Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser), dimana juga sekaligus Mr. Morrie Chandler menyampaikan undangan kepada Menegpora RI untuk menghadiri penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11) agar dapat diberikan masukan mengenai cara pelaksanaan suatu WRC dengan dampak/multiplier efek terhadap segi ekonomi dan pariwisata dari Negara itu.
Pada pertemuan tersebut President FIA WRC menyampaikan tahapan2 yang harus dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah :
a. Penyampaian aplikasi sebagai kandidat WRC ditahun 2008 dengan progress WRC di tahun 2009, dimana aplikasi tersebut harus disampaikan oleh PP. IMI dengan mencantumkan jadwal ; lokasi serta penyelenggara dari event (kandidat WRC & WRC) dan kemudian FIA akan memberikan persetujuan sebagai Kandidat WRC yang akan diputuskan oleh World Council and General Assembly of FIA pada rapat akhir tahun.
Dimana pihak PP. IMI bersama-sama Rally Organiser harus aktif untuk menjadi anggota (representatif) dan hadir pada setiap annual meeting dari Working Group ; World Motor Sport Council dan General Assembly dari FIA
b. Melakukan pembayaran Inscription Fee (registered in the FIA calendar) untuk sebesar EURO 103.200 paling lambat tgl. 31 Januari 2008, dimana biaya akan dipergunakan untuk keperluan dari FIA Delegate saat peninjauan event kandidat WRC dan dapat diperpanjang pada tahun berikutnya bila belum memenuhi ketentuan WRC tanpa perlu melakukan pembayaran lagi. Inscription Fee ini diperlukan oleh FIA sebagai jaminan atas keseriusan suatu negara sebagai penyelenggara kandidat WRC, adapun Inscription Fee untuk menjadi WRC adalah sebesar EURO 155.050
c. Apabila Indonesia telah disetujui menjadi salah satu kandidat WRC dari kawasan Asia pada tahun 2008, maka secara terkait akan juga dialokasikan pada jadwal WRC di tahun 2009 dengan ketentuan subject to inspection on year 2008.
(Terlampir jadwal tahun 2008 & tahun 2009)

Laporan hasil kunjungan dan proses persiapan selanjutnya dalam bentuk proposal rencana kerja & anggaran biaya tahun 2008 s/d tahun 2010 telah disampaikan kepada Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pemuda & Olahraga RI dan Ikatan Motor Indonesia (PP. IMI) serta juga organisasi yang baru terbentuk yaitu Indonesia World Motorsport (IWM).

Tahapan berikutnya adalah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Rally New Zealand 2007 pada tgl. 30 Agustus s/d 2 September mendatang sesuai undangan dari Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC), dimana Menegpora telah menunjuk Bpk. James Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) untuk mewakili guna melakukan pembahasan lebih lanjut untuk persiapan & koordinasi langkah berikutnya serta melakukan study banding sebagai persiapan dari rencana penyelenggaraan kembali WRC di Indonesia.
Rombongan yang akan berangkat mendampingi Deputy Menegpora adalah Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Ka. Biro Dept. Olahraga PP. IMI) dan Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser)

Persyaratan serta kondisi yang terjadi pada penyelenggaraan WRC adalah :
1. Negara yang menjadi kandidat WRC harus terlebih dahulu melaksanakan event yang berstatus FIA Regional Championship (di Indonesia adalah FIA APRC)
2. Jumlah negara penyelenggara untuk WRC mulai tahun 2009 akan menjadi sebanyak 12 putaran, dimana 6 negara sebagai penyelenggara tetap dan 6 negara akan dirotasi secara bergantian

Informasi selanjutnya selama kunjungan kerja delegasi WRC Indonesia dan partisipasi Indonesia Rally Team – Subhan Aksa/Hade Mboi akan kami sampaikan secara bertahap sampai dengan akhir penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11)

Kami sangat menghargai atas dukungan dari rekan-rekan media melalui peliputan yang diberikan dan hal tersebut sangatlah penting untuk dapat membantu sosialisasi proses pencapaian penyelenggaraan event WRC di Indonesia, dimana segala kritikan dan saran juga sangat kami butuhkan guna percepatan proses serta demi kemajuan Olahraga Otomotif cabang Rally di Indonesia.
Akhir kata apabila terjadi kekurangan dan kesalahan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak disengaja, sebelumnya kami memohon maaf serta kami sangat mengharapkan untuk dapat bekerjasama lebih erat lagi untuk bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi kepada Negara tercinta Indonesia melalui event-event Internasional (APRC & WRC) yang akan datang. Terima kasih atas perhatian serta liputannya dan sampai jumpa di GUDANG GARAM INTERNATIONAL RALLY INDONESIA 2007 putaran 3 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan pada tgl. 7 s/d 9 September mendatang.


Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser), dimana juga sekaligus Mr. Morrie Chandler menyampaikan undangan kepada Menegpora RI untuk menghadiri penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11) agar dapat diberikan masukan mengenai cara pelaksanaan suatu WRC dengan dampak/multiplier efek terhadap segi ekonomi dan pariwisata dari Negara itu.
Pada pertemuan tersebut President FIA WRC menyampaikan tahapan2 yang harus dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah :
a. Penyampaian aplikasi sebagai kandidat WRC ditahun 2008 dengan progress WRC di tahun 2009, dimana aplikasi tersebut harus disampaikan oleh PP. IMI dengan mencantumkan jadwal ; lokasi serta penyelenggara dari event (kandidat WRC & WRC) dan kemudian FIA akan memberikan persetujuan sebagai Kandidat WRC yang akan diputuskan oleh World Council and General Assembly of FIA pada rapat akhir tahun.
Dimana pihak PP. IMI bersama-sama Rally Organiser harus aktif untuk menjadi anggota (representatif) dan hadir pada setiap annual meeting dari Working Group ; World Motor Sport Council dan General Assembly dari FIA
b. Melakukan pembayaran Inscription Fee (registered in the FIA calendar) untuk sebesar EURO 103.200 paling lambat tgl. 31 Januari 2008, dimana biaya akan dipergunakan untuk keperluan dari FIA Delegate saat peninjauan event kandidat WRC dan dapat diperpanjang pada tahun berikutnya bila belum memenuhi ketentuan WRC tanpa perlu melakukan pembayaran lagi. Inscription Fee ini diperlukan oleh FIA sebagai jaminan atas keseriusan suatu negara sebagai penyelenggara kandidat WRC, adapun Inscription Fee untuk menjadi WRC adalah sebesar EURO 155.050
c. Apabila Indonesia telah disetujui menjadi salah satu kandidat WRC dari kawasan Asia pada tahun 2008, maka secara terkait akan juga dialokasikan pada jadwal WRC di tahun 2009 dengan ketentuan subject to inspection on year 2008.
(Terlampir jadwal tahun 2008 & tahun 2009)

Laporan hasil kunjungan dan proses persiapan selanjutnya dalam bentuk proposal rencana kerja & anggaran biaya tahun 2008 s/d tahun 2010 telah disampaikan kepada Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pemuda & Olahraga RI dan Ikatan Motor Indonesia (PP. IMI) serta juga organisasi yang baru terbentuk yaitu Indonesia World Motorsport (IWM).

Tahapan berikutnya adalah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Rally New Zealand 2007 pada tgl. 30 Agustus s/d 2 September mendatang sesuai undangan dari Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC), dimana Menegpora telah menunjuk Bpk. James Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) untuk mewakili guna melakukan pembahasan lebih lanjut untuk persiapan & koordinasi langkah berikutnya serta melakukan study banding sebagai persiapan dari rencana penyelenggaraan kembali WRC di Indonesia.
Rombongan yang akan berangkat mendampingi Deputy Menegpora adalah Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Ka. Biro Dept. Olahraga PP. IMI) dan Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser)

Persyaratan serta kondisi yang terjadi pada penyelenggaraan WRC adalah :
1. Negara yang menjadi kandidat WRC harus terlebih dahulu melaksanakan event yang berstatus FIA Regional Championship (di Indonesia adalah FIA APRC)
2. Jumlah negara penyelenggara untuk WRC mulai tahun 2009 akan menjadi sebanyak 12 putaran, dimana 6 negara sebagai penyelenggara tetap dan 6 negara akan dirotasi secara bergantian

Informasi selanjutnya selama kunjungan kerja delegasi WRC Indonesia dan partisipasi Indonesia Rally Team – Subhan Aksa/Hade Mboi akan kami sampaikan secara bertahap sampai dengan akhir penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11)

Kami sangat menghargai atas dukungan dari rekan-rekan media melalui peliputan yang diberikan dan hal tersebut sangatlah penting untuk dapat membantu sosialisasi proses pencapaian penyelenggaraan event WRC di Indonesia, dimana segala kritikan dan saran juga sangat kami butuhkan guna percepatan proses serta demi kemajuan Olahraga Otomotif cabang Rally di Indonesia.
Akhir kata apabila terjadi kekurangan dan kesalahan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak disengaja, sebelumnya kami memohon maaf serta kami sangat mengharapkan untuk dapat bekerjasama lebih erat lagi untuk bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi kepada Negara tercinta Indonesia melalui event-event Internasional (APRC & WRC) yang akan datang. Terima kasih atas perhatian serta liputannya dan sampai jumpa di GUDANG GARAM INTERNATIONAL RALLY INDONESIA 2007 putaran 3 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan pada tgl. 7 s/d 9 September mendatang.

Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement

It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up and down. Big problem. There's a half-inch of slop on one wheel, though the other is tight. The diagnosis: You've got a bad ball joint.


Front suspension parts eventually wear out, but this sudden onset of slop in your ball joint probably means a lubrication failure. But wait! you say. My ball joints are sealed--there's no grease fitting to pump fresh lubricant into. They're Lubed For Life, like it says right here in the owner's manual.


You've just discovered the true life span of a permanently lubed suspension joint. The lubrication finally dries out, water intrudes inside the boot covering the moving parts, and rust and abrasive road dirt turn a ball joint or tie rod end into a loosey-goosey accident waiting to happen. Do not delay in repairing a failing ball joint or tie rod end. When it fails, the wheel involved will try to part company with your vehicle, and not quite succeed in doing so. This will precipitate two unfortunate events: loss of control at some speed, and considerable damage to the rest of the vehicle.

Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement

It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up and down. Big problem. There's a half-inch of slop on one wheel, though the other is tight. The diagnosis: You've got a bad ball joint.


Front suspension parts eventually wear out, but this sudden onset of slop in your ball joint probably means a lubrication failure. But wait! you say. My ball joints are sealed--there's no grease fitting to pump fresh lubricant into. They're Lubed For Life, like it says right here in the owner's manual.


You've just discovered the true life span of a permanently lubed suspension joint. The lubrication finally dries out, water intrudes inside the boot covering the moving parts, and rust and abrasive road dirt turn a ball joint or tie rod end into a loosey-goosey accident waiting to happen. Do not delay in repairing a failing ball joint or tie rod end. When it fails, the wheel involved will try to part company with your vehicle, and not quite succeed in doing so. This will precipitate two unfortunate events: loss of control at some speed, and considerable damage to the rest of the vehicle.

Ball joint

car modif 2010,car wallpapercar modif 2010,car wallpaper

Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use two ball joints per wheel: an upper and a lower ball joint. Cars with MacPherson strut suspension systems use a lower ball joint and an upper strut bearing rather than an upper ball joint.

Purpose: Ball joints serve as the pivot points between the tires and suspension. Ball joints also support weight. On some vehicles, the ball joints may be used to make wheel alignment settings.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Many cars use “lubed for life” ball joints that can’t be lubricated. Replacement ball joints often come with lubrication fittings. If your car has lubrication fittings, the ball joints should be lubricated at every oil change. Ball joints, along with other suspension components, should be inspected annually along with a complete wheel alignment. The most common vehicle symptoms associated with worn ball joints are wandering, uneven tire wear, and erratic steering. Ball joint inspection methods and specifications vary, so have your vehicle inspected by a qualified service professional.

source :


car modif 2010,car wallpapercar modif 2010,car wallpaper

Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use two ball joints per wheel: an upper and a lower ball joint. Cars with MacPherson strut suspension systems use a lower ball joint and an upper strut bearing rather than an upper ball joint.

Purpose: Ball joints serve as the pivot points between the tires and suspension. Ball joints also support weight. On some vehicles, the ball joints may be used to make wheel alignment settings.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Many cars use “lubed for life” ball joints that can’t be lubricated. Replacement ball joints often come with lubrication fittings. If your car has lubrication fittings, the ball joints should be lubricated at every oil change. Ball joints, along with other suspension components, should be inspected annually along with a complete wheel alignment. The most common vehicle symptoms associated with worn ball joints are wandering, uneven tire wear, and erratic steering. Ball joint inspection methods and specifications vary, so have your vehicle inspected by a qualified service professional.

source :


KONI Sport and FSD (Frequency Selective Damping)

During a typical mile of travel down the road, the damper will move in (compression) and out (rebound) millions of times. Break that mile into one second of travel, and the number of times the damper moves (stroke) defines the operating frequency (Hertz, Hz). Controlling body roll entering a corner induces relatively few strokes of the damper (low frequency), while chattering over broken pavement at highway speed results in a much higher quantity (high frequency) of very short strokes. Knowing this, damper frequency can also be used to tune handling and ride quality. Vehicle body roll control needed to aid handling occurs at a frequency of around 1Hz. Ride impact harshness is felt when damper frequency reaches approximately 10Hz.

Hit a bump without dampers, and the suspension would continue to bounce up and down uncontrollably like a bobble head doll. The damper's job is to reduce the size and/or speed of the suspension movement, preventing the never-ending bobble head scenario. We've all seen that older car going down a smooth highway with one of the rear tires visibly vibrating up and down very rapidly, which is caused by a worn-out damper that is no longer controlling the movement of the suspension. The lack of damper control allows the suspension to move uncontrolled.

The piston moving back and forth through the oil inside the damper creates the resistance needed to control (dampen) the suspension movement. How much resistance (force) develops for a given movement is determined by internal valves that control the flow of oil. Based on the force, the valves open or close to self adjust to each bump or any vehicle body roll. All dampers do this; but KONI's FSD units add a second valve system that responds to the damper's operating frequency, allowing ride and handling to be tuned more independently than with conventional dampers.

KONI's design theory for tuning dampers uses the compression (in) force to dictate the amount of axle movement and is directly linked to handling like steering response, road holding, etc. The rebound (out) force is used to control body movements (side-to-side body roll and/or pitch fore and aft) and is also directly linked to ride comfort.

KONI's traditional user-adjustable yellow sport dampers most applications have a fixed setting for the compression rate, but allow the user to manually adjust the amount of rebound control to tune the balance between ride comfort and handling. The FSD dampers also have a fixed compression setting, but instead of allowing the user to manually adjust the rebound, the internals of the FSD dampers automatically adjust the rate and shape of the force curve (when plotted on a graph) on the fly, responding immediately to the frequency of the damper’s movement. The unique secondary valve used inside the FSD units is engineered to provide large amounts of force to control vehicle body movement at relatively low frequencies, while generating less force at the higher frequencies that affect ride quality.

Callaway C16 Speedster

2007 LA Auto Show - Callaway C16 Speedster

Callaway C16 Speedster

Callaway C16 Speedster

Lotus Exige S 240

2007 LA Auto Show

Lotus Exige S 240

Lotus Exige S 240

2008 Audi RS6 Avant

Outstanding top performance and maximum dynamism combined with excellent suitability for everyday use are the impressive features of the new Audi RS 6 Avant, which will be unveiled to the public for the first time at the IAA 2007 in Frankfurt. A newly developed V10 engine with FSI direct injection and twin turbochargers, permanent quattro four-wheel drive and sports suspension with Dynamic Ride Control DRC set the standard for high-performance vehicles in the luxury class. 426 kW (580 bhp) and a maximum torque of 650 Nm add up to an unforgettable performance experience. At the same time, the new Audi RS 6 Avant offers a high standard of travel comfort – on long journeys, too.

2009 Ferrari Dino Preview

Auto Express can exclusively reveal Ferrari's reborn Dino

Despite Ferrari’s denials, spy photographers already caught test-mules of the upcoming Dino. Powered by a V8 engine, Dino will be the most affordable model Ferrari ever did. With a price tag of about $170.000, Dino will compete with models like Porsche 911 Turbo, Audi R8 and Lamborghini Gallardo. The new 2+2 Coupe will be unveiled at the 2008 Paris Motor Show or at the 2009 Detroit Auto Show.

Ferrari Dino 420

Ferrari Dino 420

It's the supercar scoop of the year! Auto Express has had exclusive access to insider details and can now reveal all the details of the Italian legend’s most important new model of the decade. Yes, the Dino is back!

Despite being conceived more than two years ago, the whole project only got the green light in September, and is scheduled to be unveiled at a major motor show in 2009.

2011 Corvette C7

Corvette has confirmed already that the C7 Corvette is under development and will be launched in 2011. Built as a crossroad between revolution and evolution, the C7 Corvette will keep what makes the Corvette a Corvette: an improved fuel economy, a better transmission, and serious weight reduction, but keep the V8, the long hood, the short deck, and the fastback styling.

2006 Pagani Zonda

In the select world of supercars, power is never enough, so Italian engineers focused on better engine breathing to squueze out another 100 bhp. The 7.3-liter Mercedes AMG V-12 gives 650 horsepower and the ability to sprint from rest to 60 miler per hour in 3.5 seconds.

Bigger wheels and tires enhance the car's ability to scream round curves even faster. The carbon-fiber chassis and carbon body panels provide handling to match the benchmark of McLaren F1 and Ferrari Enzo.

General Info
Price: $554,000
Main dimensions (L x W x H): - N/A -
Curb Weight: 2,712 lbs
Layout: Rear-Engine/RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
Type: V-12
Displacement: 7,310 cc
Horsepower: 650 bhp @ 6200 rpm
Torque: 576 lb-ft @ 4000 rpm
Redline: 8000 rpm
0-60 mph: 3.5 sec
0-100 mph: - N/A -
Top Speed: 215 mph
Miles Per Gallon: N/A mpg

Pagani Zonda Picture

Pagani Zonda silver picture

2005 Acura NSX

Built in Japan, the Acura NSX has an aluminum structure and a combination of performance and luxury-car features. Only a few minor changes from the 2004 model, as it's been built and refined for 15 years.

General Info
Price: $89,000
Main dimensions (L x W x H): 174 x 72 x 46 in (4,497 x 1,829 x 1169 mm)
Curb Weight: 3197 lbs
Layout: Mid-Engine/RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual/4 Speed Auto
Type: V6
Displacement: 3179 cc
Horsepower: 290 bhp @ 6000 rpm
Torque: 224 lb-ft @ 5500 rpm
Redline: 8000 rpm
0-60 mph: 4.9 sec
0-100 mph: 11.7 sec
Top Speed: 175 mph
Miles Per Gallon: 17/24 mpg

Acura NSX Picture

Acura NSX Picture

2005 Ferrari Scaglietti

Ferrari Scaglietti is a super-fast supercar that replaces the Ferrari 456 GT. It has a new layout, aluminum body and frame, super 540 bhp V-12 engine that propels it close to 200 mph. A real performer in the Ferrari tradition - a supercar verging on the fantasy car world.

General Info
Price: $259,855
Main dimensions (L x W x H): 193 x 77 x 53 in (4,902 x 1,955 x 1346 mm)
Curb Weight: 4056 lbs
Layout: Front-Engine/RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual/5 Speed Auto
Type: V12
Displacement: 5748 cc
Horsepower: 540 bhp @ 7250 rpm
Torque: 435 lb-ft @ 5250 rpm
Redline: 6000 rpm
0-60 mph: 4.1 sec
0-100 mph: 10 sec
Top Speed: 195 mph
Miles Per Gallon: 10/17 mpg

Ferrari Scaglietti Picture

Ferrari Scaglietti Picture

Ferrari Scaglietti Picture

Ferrari Scaglietti Picture

2005 Toyota Celica GTS

Toyota Celica GTS is powered by a 1.8-liter, four-cylinder DOHC all-aluminum engine that generates 180 horsepower at 7600 rpm and 130 lb-ft. of torque at 6800 rpm.
The GTS powerplant utilizes variable valve timing and lift, with intelligence control (VVTL-i) to inject an extra dose of performance from 6000 rpm to the redline at 7800 rpm.

General Info
Price: $22,335
Main dimensions (L x W x H): 170.5 x 68 x 51 in (4,331 x 1,727 x 1,295 mm)
Curb Weight: 2580 lbs
Layout: Front-Engine/FWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
Type: V4
Displacement: 1796 cc
Horsepower: 180 bhp @ 7600 rpm
Torque: 130 lb-ft @ 6500 rpm
Redline: 7800 rpm
0-60 mph: 6.5 sec
0-100 mph: 15.8 sec
Top Speed: 130 mph
Miles Per Gallon: 24/33 mpg

Toyota Celica Picture

Toyota Celica Picture

2007 Porsche 911 GT3 RS

The legendary Porsche RS nameplate represents the ultimate in racing ability and brings back memories of special Porsche models such as the 1972 Carrera RS 2.7 and 1991 911 RS.

Porsche GT3 RS

The engine has 415 HP screaming to a 8400 rpm redline but the close-ratio six-speed transmission with a single-mass flywheel and 44 lbs lower vehicle weight makes the engine rev up even more freely, thus enabling the 911 GT3 to sprint from zero to 62mph in 4.2 seconds. It takes just 13.3 seconds to hit to 124 mph. Top speed is 187 mph.

Porsche GT3 RS

The new RS body is 1.7 inch wider at the rear (a legacy from the Carrera 4 models with which it shares its shell). The muscular-looking rear conceals a wider track that not only improves directional stability but also increases the potential cornering grip of this hot two-seater coupe.

Porsche GT3 RS

Tesla Roadster Electric Sports Car

The first electric car manufactured by Tesla Motors, the high-performance, zero-emissions Tesla Roadster sports car, was unveiled before a crowd of car buffs and potential customers.

Tesla Roadster front

The electric Tesla Roadster has the equivalent of 135 mpg and a range of 250 miles on a single charge, a combination unseen until now in a mass-produced electric car. Its extended range is due to its state-of-the-art lithium-ion Energy Storage System.
The Tesla Roadster is capable of accelerating from 0-60 mph in four seconds.

Tesla Roadster side

Using a unique two-speed electrically activated manual transmission, the Tesla Roadster's power comes from a 3-phase, 4-pole AC induction motor. The motor is controlled by the Power Electronics Module (PEM) which also controls the inverting direct current to 3-phase alternating current, charging and braking systems.

Tesla Motors's engineers have gone to great lengths to ensure that not only is the Tesla Roadster safe to drive, but also is safe when charging, at home or on the road.

Tesla Roadster top

The electric motor's efficiency rating is likely to be as high as 95 percent, while the internal combustion engine's efficiency is 20 percent or less. With this efficiency, the Tesla Roadster achieves the equivalent of 135 mpg.

That efficiency doesn't slow this sleek sports car down, either. Estimated 0-60 mph time is around four seconds, and with an electric motor, the torque is instantaneous, throw-you-back-in-the-seat responsive.

All in all, this is remarkable sports car!

Tesla Roadster

Mercedes SLR McLaren

The new Mercedes SLR McLaren Roadster, debuting in the fall of 2007, with a a carbon-fibre construction like today's Formula 1 cars, has a supercharged V8 engine under the hood of this high-performance sports car which propels it to a top speed of 332 km/h.

Mercedes McLaren roadster

Mercedes and its Formula 1 partner, McLaren, have many years of experience with carbon-fiber that is conventionally used in the aviation and space industries. In an impact, carbon fibres have a level of energy absorption that is four to five times higher than that of steel or aluminium, while the weight advantage of this high-tech material over steel is around 50 per cent.

Mercedes McLaren roadster

Mercedes sports car

t comes with a fully retractable soft top to combine pure open-air driving bliss with the ultimate in performance. A true super sports car!

Mercedes sports car

2008 Porsche 911 GT2

The 911 GT2 has a 50 hp upgrade over the standard 997 Turbo for a total of 530hp. This power increase is courtesy of two turbochargers with a larger compressor wheel and a flow-optimized turbine housing.

Porsche GT2

The GT2 is only available with a 6 speed manual gearbox and RWD to cater to the real car enthusiasts and provide the best performance possible. The new Porsche GT2 does 0-60mph in 3.6 seconds and top speed of 204mph.

Porsche GT2

It is scheduled to make its North American debut in early 2008 at a US price of $191,700.

Porsche GT2

Porsche sports car

2008 Ferrari 430 Scuderia

The new Ferrari 430 Scuderia is designed for those sports car enthusiasts who happily give up some comfort to obtain the ultimate driving experience. Ferrari took off 220 lbs. over the standard F430 while increasing horsepower from 483 to 510.

Ferrari Scuderia

Superb performance both on and off the track is assured by a several cutting-edge solutions. There is the latest software - F1 Superfast - which reduces gearchange times to just 60 milliseconds, and new traction control.

Ferrari Scuderia

The 2008 Ferrari Scuderia is a true super sports car!

Ferrari Scuderia

Ferrari Scuderia

2008 Maserati Edo Corsa

The 2008 Maserati Edo Competition MC12 Corsa is an amazing race car, with 755 bhp and 546 lb-ft of torque and a light weigth of 2,529 lbs.


The 6.0-liter V12 now announces its power through a newly developed Edo competition high-flow exhaust system – and it does so with a soundtrack guaranteed to induce goose bumps!

Maserati Edo


The independently adjustable compression and rebound damping permits truly individual suspension setups. The unique system, with its three different adjustments, allows for low-speed compression damping characteristics to be altered while the high-speed settings, having a strong influence on ride-quality, remain constant. True racing technology for the road!


Lamborghini Reventon

The Lamborghini Reventon is an extreme super sports car without equals.

With only 20 produced (each 1 Million Euro), Lamborghini Reventon is a symbol of extreme exclusivity with extraordinary performance through the entire technical and dynamic competence of the twelve cylinder Lamborghini.

Lamborghini Reventon

Lamborghini prides itself on being the extraordinary manufacturer of extreme super sports cars without compromise. The Reventon was inspired by the fastest airplanes and perfected to the last detail.


More Lamborghini Reventon pictures.
