Ahh, to be cool. Little kids grow up having no concept of "coolness", and then they hit the 6th grade. From that point on, being "cool" is on the top of their to-do list. Muscle cars are perpetually cool. They've been cool since day #1, and their legend has grown ever since. A friend of mine (who grew up in the 1960's) recently commented that there is nothing on the road as cool as a muscle car, and he said it in a way that that made it seem as certain as the fact that 2+2=4. The question I wonder is, how do you know if your muscle car is cool enough?

Just like the hallways of high school, one could argue that there is a pecking order of coolness when it comes to muscle cars. Being popular seemed to help make some people cool, but many cool people were never popular. Muscle cars are the same way. (As a side note I've seen a few of the popular kids from high school later in life.....and they don't seem quite as cool as I remember.)