For mass production Malkoc is considering different power plants, including up to a 300 HP diesel. The Turkish entrepreneur is considering a site in Ankara to produce the car, and is ready to meet international investors. He claims to have orders for 20 additional cars.
Malkoc said that his cars would pave the way for other Turkish entrepreneurs and projects. “We Turks had for a long time no own automobile production more. I want to prove that we can do it,” Malkoc concluded.
Continue reading on Examiner.com: A cool, new, diesel-powered sports car from Turkey. Seriously. - San Jose Auto Industry | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/auto-industry-in-san-jose/a-cool-new-diesel-powered-sports-car-from-turkey-seriously#ixzz1CnM5xRof
The distinct rear design of the Etox Zafer (Etox photo)
The Etox Zafer is the brainchild of Turkish entrepreneur Ercan Malkoc, who made his fortune retrofitting imported vans for domestic use.
According to reports from the Turkish new agency
Continue reading on Examiner.com: A cool, new, diesel-powered sports car from Turkey. Seriously. - San Jose Auto Industry | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/auto-industry-in-san-jose/a-cool-new-diesel-powered-sports-car-from-turkey-seriously#ixzz1CnLMX3Lh