C6 Corvette Paketan kastem as a whole have covered exterior changes, interior modifications, upgraded braking system reset, legs, and increased engine power. From the outside, the influence of classical styles and modern-style Italian dressing was heavy outside the suit of this Corvette. Berkelir painted metallic red, this car looks stylish with a vertical opening modifications to the model scissors (scissors doors).
Overall exterior modifications made Czech tuner started from the application of new models following grille chrome bar lightsnya replacement fog. Completing the front bumper did not forget to add the air intake neat device. For the body panels themselves elected INNOTECH using carbon fiber or fiberglass. Went down, we will be treated to change its feet firmly. Starting from the change in the output of Aluminum alloy wheels HRE or ring Forgeline with 9x19-inch front and 12x20-inch rear.