Colin Chapman once said: "If you want to go faster, you will have to add lightness". Having recently taken the horsepower route with the new CSR version of Chapman's creation, the Seven, Caterham has now gone back to basics with a new Superlight.Based on the standard Roadsport, the Superlight gains four-piston AP Racing brakes, Caterham's own close-ratio six speed gearbox, and wide-track, adjustable front suspension. It sits on bespoke 13 inch KN lightweight alloys wearing Avon CR500 rubber, developed as a lightweight road and track tyre for the car and looking suspiciously like a pair of cut slicks. The spare wheel has been ditched in favour of a can of foam, the carpets are gone as are the standard seats in favour of lightweight composite buckets with four-point harnesses and carbon fibre is used for the dashboard, rear arch protectors and front wings.
Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers

Caterham Seven Superlight R500 Wallppers